Joined: December 3, 2011
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`Ive wondered that myself. Also, the forums are so dead. Im shocked.
To think we live in a country where we have freedom of speech and a right to Praise and Worship God in Public without the threat of execution, and we dont even do it.
We would rather shame ourselves and bury our heads cause we're too busy for God, Our Father. We are too busy with worldly nonsense.
I, myself included are guilty of not focusing more on God. And may God forgive me for not putting Him first and foremost in my own life. I know Christian fellowship and sharing about God's Word draw me closer to God. Doesn't it anybody else? Just talking about God brings the Holy Spirit on my life and new life seems to well up inside me and gives me an excitement to want to learn and share more about God and His Goodness.
We Know these are the End Days. But when Christ comes like a thief in the night, WHO will have their lanterns filled with oil at His coming? You know the oil is us being filled with the Holy Spirit. We are told to stir up the Spirit of God in us. To keep that oil, the anointing of God full. So, are you ready for His coming? Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Will you, at His coming be able to be 'changed like the twinkling of an eye'? From your flesh body into your spirit body and able to be raptured?
Who will be 'Left Behind'? Who will stand before God on Judgment Day and give account to all those trivial things that got them to take their mind and eyes off Christ? Do you think only those who choose not to be Christian will fall away? Do you know that Jesus asked if He will even find faith when He does come back?
Why would Jesus ask if He would find faith when He returns? Its because how the world is gone south, so to speak. Who has time for God when theres a million other things to be doing? And to truly walk close enough to God and Know how really awesome He is, we would have to give up some things to make time for Him. Sorta like a new mother has to give up and sacrifice much to make time for her baby. What are you willing to give up? Or do you believe the lie that merely professing Christ as Lord and Savior that gives you a ticket to Heaven? If thats your dream, then Ha Ha I wish.
We WILL be judged. So Christians, Please spend time with God and make sure you are doing those things that bring Glory to God and Not Shame and separation from A Holy God. Peace. Delilah |